Struggling with getting more leads and sales for your business without wasting money?

Give Me Just 2 Hours of Your Time, And You Will Have in Your Hands a Workable Plan You Can Start Implementing Immediately to Get You All the Leads and Sales Your Business Needs to Grow Profitably!

Let me ask you a few questions…

Do you feel like your business is supposed to be making more sales and profits than it currently is?

Do you wish you had the ability to consistently acquire more customers than your competitors can even dream of without you running out of money?

Do you want to make more than enough profits to grow your business so that you can free up some time to do the things you love?

So, why hasn’t that happened yet?

Why do you still struggle to generate the kind of sales and profits that would set you free as an entrepreneur?

Admit it…this isn’t the first time you’ve been looking for a proven way to boost your sales and profits…is it?

So when do you think that’s going to happen?

Not to worry though…by the time you finish reading this page, things will change forever.

I’m going to reveal to you how to consistently make profitable sales, in order to grow your business and achieve the freedom you desire (and deserve)…to be able to spend more time with the people and the things you love!

My name is Oludami Yomi-Alliyu.

I am a digital marketing professional and direct response copywriter, certified by DigitalMarketer HQ, Texas, and AWAI (American Writers & Artists Inc.) respectively.

But that’s not the interesting part…

After years of professional experience, several failures and eventual successes, I created the Septuplar Sales System, a system that has helped several businesses grow exponentially by consistently making sales profitably. (There are several ways to grow a business, but nothing beats outselling the competition!)

But I didn’t start out this way…things were far from this good before I came upon this system.

My story

I remember how I anxiously refreshed my CRM one evening late December 2017, just to see if I got new orders …


BOOM! It appeared right in front of my screen…

Zero new orders!


I was fed up. Ready to give up. But unfortunately, I couldn’t!

From the corner of my eyes, I could catch cartons of annoying Chinese soaps staring back at me.

Don’t get me wrong; the soaps themselves were amazing. What made them annoying at that moment was the fact that they refused to go.

I’d invested thousands of dollars into those soaps and the tools that were supposed to sell them off, but I couldn’t even get people to buy them.

You see, just about two months earlier, after years of offering my digital services, I decided to launch an ecommerce business in the skincare industry. I only needed something to supplement my income and give me steadier pay to support my new family.

Since I’d been doing online marketing for years, I didn’t think it’d be a big deal.

Except that it became worse than a big deal!

I launched with a sophisticated sales funnel, sizzling copy, and powerful ads…but sales weren’t pouring in as I expected dreamt.

I was shocked. My ego got bashed – a “certified digital marketer” that couldn’t sell soaps online (<= a friend actually teased me this exact way).

I was refreshing my CRM that fateful evening because I relaunched my campaign earlier that day for the umpteenth time in less than 2 months.

The problem

I’d done everything I could to this point: changed my funnel type and structure…

…edited, tweaked and even changed my sales copy…

…tested different ad variations…

…and did every other thing any digital marketer would do.

Yet, none had given me the sales and profits that I desired.

These people were not even taking my lead magnet (free stuff)!!

It was then I realized that getting good at fancy digital marketing tactics or trendy platforms isn’t enough to ensure sales and business success.

Things like funnel building, new ad tricks, crazy targeting, and so on, are good, but they aren’t enough to help you succeed. 

I can tell, because by that time, I was certified in almost any digital marketing discipline you can think of…from paid ads to funnel building to conversion optimization, to SEO to email marketing, copywriting and even ecommerce marketing. 

Yet, I couldn’t even generate sales online for my business. 

So…take it from me if I say that those things aren’t enough!

Unfortunately, I’d committed too much to the new business. 

I fired some of my best clients just to free up some time to be able to focus on my new ecommerce journey. I’d also invested a lot of my savings into this business.

If I failed, not only would it set me back financially, it would shatter my financial freedom dreams. I would’ve wasted a lot of time, money and energy on a futile venture.

More so, failing at this would rob me of my self-confidence as a marketer and online salesman. I’d feel like a fraud for all the clients and students I’d worked with. 

I’d also have tons of soaps sharing my workspace with me and constantly reminding me of how I’d become a failure at marketing and business.

All these felt horrible. I couldn’t afford to fail!

Next step?

I decided to put the business on hold after that last failed attempt late December 2017 and set out on a journey to find a lasting solution.

I needed to figure out how to sell profitably online. Needed to find the missing piece in all my skills and experience.

I bought courses, consulted with experts, spoke to people who were successful in their own ecommerce business, and so on.

During my search, I found a mini-class by my role model, Ryan Deiss, where he discussed the concept of the Perfect Offer.

He defined a perfect offer as the Right Product offered at the Right Price, presented to the Right Person, with the Right Messaging at the exact Right Moment!

I also learnt that your entire sales process should be a bunch of irresistible offers…from the beginning of the customer journey to the end.

This was when I realized that even though I had the right product and that the price didn’t really matter, I still needed to identify and focus on the right person, so that I can create the right offers and communicate them with the right messages.

BOOM! This sounded like exactly what was missing in my business. I got the EPIPHANY I needed…and it was time to get to work!

The journey

So I went back to my dream customer (the person I really wanted to serve).

Took the time to study her. Learnt a lot about her. In fact, I got obsessed with this person.

Got to know her deeply…most importantly: what she wants, how she wants it and how to communicate my value to her.

I then allowed her to guide me in recreating my entire sales process…including funnel, copy, ads…using all I found out about her.

Most importantly, I started infusing irresistible offers into my entire sales process, from the very first thing she sees about me – my ads – to my blog, opt-in page, lead magnet, sales page, upsells, emails and so on, based on what I learned about her.

And then it was time to launch, again.


I was anxious.

If I failed this time around, I’d probably quit everything internet and go get a job so my family doesn’t go hungry.

But guess what? 

This time it worked!

I relaunched the campaign 21st January 2018 (can never forget this date!), and at first, orders started trickling in. 3 new orders by noon. And then it started to increase. Got my highest number of orders in a day up till that day.

By the end of that final relaunch week, I’d gotten more orders than we did in the previous 2 months combined – all with just $20 per day in advertising budget.

I however kept building it slowly and on low budget. By November 2018 I’d spent only $4,390 on advertising online, but I’d generated almost $24,000.

We stopped importing soaps from China at this point and started sourcing our products locally, working with suppliers.

We however continued using the exact same funnel and campaign.

And by the time I’d spent $8k on ads, I’d generated almost $50k in sales. Talk about consistency.

Not just that, in that same period and through the same funnel, we built an email list of over 37k women and combined social following of 13k.

In retrospect, all this made me realize one thing:

Not our fault!

And that’s when I realized it wasn’t my fault.

It’s most likely not your fault either, if you fail to generate the kind of sales and profits that would set you free.

For years, the gurus had been telling us to get very good at creating funnels and running ads, building lists, doing SEO and so on, and when they mention more important foundational things like getting to know your audience or creating offers and communicating effectively, they simply gloss over it, without giving us concrete ‘how-to’ knowledge or templates.

All those months of failure, and it was actually because I was focusing more on fancy, trendy and latest marketing tactics, tools and platforms, than on what mattered the most. No wonder I was struggling!

Gratefully, I found my freedom – I found what worked to bring endless sales into my business.

But it wasn’t just me…

From following the proven way I’ve discovered to identify the perfect audience and create irresistible offers based on exactly what they want, I’ve turned around, positively, the fate of several businesses.

Digital products...

To be sure the skincare funnel success wasn’t a fluke or limited to skincare, I first tested it on an eBook I wrote back in 2016 but couldn’t sell successfully using the Product Launch Formula.

With the same system I just discovered, I launched an incomplete funnel (had no upsell), and one of my ad sets sold 10 copies of the ebook (at $12 per copy) with just $34.

That was more than 3x’ing my investment in ads.

Car dealership...

My past coaching client, Carlton from Sacramento, decided to look to the internet when the pandemic affected his car sales.

Without even using the full funnel we built together, he excitedly launched an ad campaign for his car dealership on Facebook the exact way I taught him, immediately after our session on Traffic/Launch.

Yet he got 25 leads, 5 of whom showed up, and then sold 3 cars, all with less than $155 in ad spend.

He made more sales in one weekend than he did in some months (especially in the heat of the pandemic) and he hasn’t looked back since then. 

This was only possible because of his deep knowledge of his audience – who they are, what they wanted (offer) and what to say to them (messaging). 

Makeup artistry...

I was also able to get hundreds of leads per week for BeauCrest Makeup Studio. In fact, they got 37 leads the first day their ad went live. With just $10!

Private school...

Despite their unique circumstances and all odds being against them – plus time constraint – Charismartin Schools were able to generate about a hundred leads. 

5 new students directly linked to those leads resumed the new academic session with them, and due to the awareness the ads created, their entry class registration more than doubled compared to the previous year – all from just one ad that ran for less than a month and with less than $80!


Got 5.5x ROAS on the sale of hair products.


Averaged $3 per lead for a restaurant in Lansing, MI when they newly launched. Aim of the campaign was to give $20 to 20 people in the locality. The page converted at 15% opt-in rate.

Top shows number of people who opted in and saw the Thank You page.

I could go on and on and keep showing you examples from fashion (wristwatch sales), photography, dental services, and even my own coaching services where I did over $15k organically in my first three months of launching towards the end of 2019.

The point is, I've tested this system in different niches and industries, across different continents, through paid ads and organic marketing, before, during and after the infamous iOS update, and they all lead to the same result: Profitable sales!


Back to my skincare brand…

2019 ending, we went out of business because we got fed up of the bad reviews we were getting from customers on the products we were getting from local suppliers. 

So we decided to stop everything till we got products we were proud of.

Unfortunately, that cost us over two years


2022, we got back in business. We now had three new skincare products on offer for our brand, two of which are made inhouse.

In January we launched with our email list, and I wasn’t surprised when it didn’t perform as well as I hoped – the list was abandoned for over two years.

February 2022, we resumed advertising to cold audience (people who didn’t know the brand).

Even though I had new strategies and campaigns planned out, it simply made sense to first launch with what already worked for us in the past. 

So I went back to our old sales funnel.

I was apprehensive at first; I wasn’t sure how the changes digital advertising had gone through over the past two years would affect this brand when we started advertising again (especially the infamous iOS 14.5 update and the many changes platforms had to make in response).

I started with doing several tests to figure out the best product bundle and pricing, but as soon as everything stabilized, I launched the renewed funnel via Facebook and Instagram ads.


I was pleasantly surprised to see this exact same funnel I originally built in 2018 January not just still work in 2022, but also do even better than it did in the past!!

I’m now experiencing one of our lowest CPAs ever! (CPA or Cost Per Acquisition means what it costs me to get each customer).

As you can see above, our costs are lower even now that things are crazier in the digital advertising space.

Same old advert copy, same image-turned-into-video, same blog, same lead magnet and opt-in page, same sales copy structure – only the products are different.

The other things different for now are the upsell page and email series, because of the change in product and new copy formats I tested that won at those stages.

It's amazing how you leave something and then you come back to it years later and simply turn it on...and then it starts bringing in sales again.

This is how powerful your sales funnel/process/system can be when you build the right foundation – the right audience, right offer and right messaging

You practically become insulated against the unending changes in platforms and tech.

And these make up the first three pillars of my proprietary sales system, the Septuplar Sales System.


Due to my past sweet-and-bitter experience with entrepreneurship, and my sincere belief that every entrepreneur deserves to thrive (I left a promising law career for entrepreneurship in 2015 and I know how tough it can be!), I’ve made it my mission to help as many entrepreneurs as possible grow their business.

And the best way I’ve found to grow any business is through PROFITS – not investor money or going public!

I’ve been doing that through teaching the Septuplar Sales System, a system I’ve built and refined for over two years, not just from my success in skincare or that of my students and clients in several niches, but also from studying and learning from some of the most successful small businesses of our time.

This system fuses both timeless, old-fashioned foundational concepts and the necessary modern tactics and platforms to form a powerful system that exponentially grows ANY business!

Invitation to work together…

Do you already have a business you’re running (product or service you’re selling) but not satisfied with the revenue your business generates?

Do you want to be able to reach more people and make even more sales…and not just more sales, but more profits too? (Seriously, if it’s not profitable, it doesn’t make sense!)

Would you like to have a system that predictably generates leads and sales for your business on a consistent basis?

Is your product or service validated – that is, people have not just bought it but you also have good feedbacks/reviews/testimonials?

If you answered YES to any of these, then I’ve got something for you.

If you think talking to an expert – who has tested multiple sales systems in multiple niches and can get all your questions answered and give you clarity as to what exactly to do to start generating the sales and profits you desire – is what you need right now to move your business forward, then you’re in luck.

You can sign up for the "Profitable Sales" Business Intensive and you’ll get exactly what you need to move your business to the next level.

What is the Profitable Sales Business Intensive?

This is a practical two-hour strategy call with me.

But the “Profitable Sales” Business Intensive is more than just the usual strategy call.

You walk away from the call with a workable plan tailored to your specific business and specific situation, which you can implement immediately (or outsource) to start getting more leads and sales for your business…so that you can grow your business profitably.

Does this sound good?

On the 2-hour call, we discuss your goals, I get to know more about your business – where you currently are and where you want to be. 

I also answer all your marketing questions and then together we create a strategy for growing your business through consistent, profitable sales, based on the proven Septuplar Sales System (a system based on the tested and proven 7 pillars of profit maximization):

  1. Audience Intelligence: Where we research your audience in a way you’ve never seen before with the goal of knowing them more than they know themselves.
  2. Irresistible Offer: Where we use our new knowledge to create offers your ideal prospect would be crazy to refuse.
  3. Attractive Messaging: Where we create messages that will attract your dream client/customer and repel others, using the exact words your prospects use to describe their problems and desires.
  4. Funnel: Where we choose and create, live on the call, the ideal sales funnel to help you generate leads, sales and achieve your business goals.
  5. Copy that Sells: Where we use your messaging to create persuasive sales materials for every single step of your funnel.
  6. Launch (Traffic): Where we launch your funnel by going to meet your prospects where they hang out, and then use your attractive messaging to bring them into your world. Then they are met with one irresistible offer after another. Here I’ll show you how to create an unending source of leads and customers for your business.
  7. Up-timization: Where we use raw data from your launch to optimize your sales process and campaign in order to get better results, no matter what result your launch gives us – good or bad. This is important because you can hardly get your best results from your initial launch.


We’ll build out your entire sales strategy live on the call, based on this proven framework. There’s no business in which this system is *properly* installed and well-optimized that won’t eventually make sales profitably.

You will have NO REASON to not implement immediately: You’ll know the first thing to do as soon as you drop the call.

Then after the call, I’ll go back to the drawing board and work on the strategy we come up with together; tidy everything up, put some finishing touches and turn it into a workable custom marketing plan, specifically created for your business, ready for implementation and guaranteed to improve your sales.

And then send this back to you via email.

This would be the equivalent of you basically hiring me to create a marketing and sales-generation plan for your business.

The plan will be so clear and practical that you can either implement it by yourself or simply outsource it (the parts that need outsourcing) to save time while you focus on the parts you love or that are necessarily your work, and you’ll be confident that the person will get a good job done.


As if getting your questions answered, having a customized strategy and getting a workable plan aren’t enough, I’ll still add some bonuses to ensure this Business Intensive immediately gets you started on your way to business success:

1. Sales Copy Templates (Value – $1,497)

Just in case you decide to implement the plan by yourself instead of outsourcing it, I’ll give you sales copy template for each stage of whichever sales funnel we choose and plan together.

I mean I’ll give you fill-in-the-blanks templates and scripts for your ads, your landing page, your sales letter/webinar/video sales letter/sales call, your upsells, even your emails…and every other piece of copy you may need!

This will help you to move faster in setting up your entire profitable sales system and funnels – and even ad campaign. It will cut days off your copy work, literally…so you can get to the interesting part faster – making sales!

2. Recordings of the Business Intensive (Value – $194)

Yes, you’ll get the custom plan from me after the call. However, I’ll still make available to you the recording of the entire call – video and audio – so that you can always go back to it when you need to clarify something or just need to relive the entire intensive session all over again.

So here’s everything you get when you book the Profitable Sale Business Intensive:

  1. A 2-hour strategy call (Valued at $997)
  2. A workable custom plan/blueprint to get your biz more leads & sales (Valued at $1,997)
  3. Proven full-funnel sales copy templates (Valued at $1,497)
  4. Recordings of the Business Intensive – audio and video (Valued at $194)


If all this Intensive did was create a blueprint you can follow for as long as you like in bringing endless sales for your business, would it be worth $4,685 to you?

If it only generates sales 3x your investment in ads, would it be worth $4,685 to you?

If all I did was identify all the areas where money is leaking from your business or all the money you’re leaving on the table and I show you how to remedy it all, would this call be worth $4,685 to you?

I bet you said Yes!

Now you’d understand why people pay as much as $10k or even $20k to get similar results in a done-for-you setting. That’s because it’s not a cost, but an investment.

But, NO, I won’t be charging you $4,685 for your Business Intensive session with me.

I’ve decided to make this special Business Intensive $495 instead of the $997 the call alone is worth.

But if you book your Business Intensive session between now and the next 6 hours, you’ll be paying only $197. No jokes!

Simply click the button below to book your slot fast!

Once you order for the Intensive, you’ll be taken to my calendar, where you’ll choose a date and time convenient for you to have the Intensive. 

You'll also be required to give me some information about your business so that I can do my homework before getting on the call with you.

You submit and then, BOOM, you're in, and I’ll see you soon.

Surprise Bonus!!!

I have a surprise bonus I won’t reveal to you now; only those who get on the intensive will find out.

For now, just know that it’s worth the exact amount you paid for the Intensive. It’s a way to get the Intensive for free!

So here’s everything you get again when you hop on my Business Intensive:

  1. A 2-hour strategy call at your convenience (Valued at $997)
  2. A workable custom plan/blueprint for getting more leads and sales (Valued at $1,997)
  3. Proven Full-funnel sales copy templates (Valued at $1,497)
  4. Recordings of the Business Intensive – audio and video (Valued at $194)
  5. Surprise Bonus (Valued at $197)


Click the button below to book your slot and let’s go get all the sales and profits that’ll help you fulfill your business and personal goals!

You have nothing to lose!

If you implement the strategy and follow the plan we create together to the letter and your sales and profits do not improve, all you have to do is notify me. And I’ll review your sales process for free, to see what the problem could be and then tell you what to do to get good results.

Whatever I do to make sure your system starts generating profitable sales will be without charge – even if it gets to creating a whole new strategy for you (I doubt it would get to that, as every business and price point already has what's proven to work for it).

That’s my guarantee to you: Your strategy works when you implement it OR I work with you for free till it does. I’m that confident in my work!

So you have absolutely nothing to lose.

Click the button below and book your Intensive slot fast:

Guarantee #2 (100% money back!)

You don't even have to wait till you implement. I have a bold bet to make:

If at the end of the Intensive, you don't think that what you got is worth at least a thousand dollars ($1,000), simply state that and you'll get your money back 100%.

I can say this because nobody has gotten on the Business Intensive with me and didn't think they got more than 10x the value if their investment. And I'm talking about just the call.

So this is an absolutely no-risk investment, with a double guarantee to ensure you succeed in your business.

Click the button below to book your slot fast; it's first come, first served.

Talk soon (really can't wait to meet you!),

Oludami Yomi-Alliyu,
Digital Marketing and Online Sales Strategist

PS: You know how frustrating it is when you badly need to grow your business, and you’ve done everything you can, but can’t seem to improve your sales, talk less of profits?

I’ve been there before.

And that is why I created the Profitable Sales Business Intensive.

At the end of the 2-hour practical strategy call, you'll have a custom workable plan you can immediately implement to get consistent sales, profits and growth for your business.

Simply use whichever button you prefer below to book your slot ($197 instead of $497, till the timer hits zero):

See ad screenshot below:

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