From Browsers to Buyers:
How to Use Proven Copy Strategies to Convert More Strangers to Customers!

Attract, Engage and Convert Your Dream Customers/Clients With Persuasive Messaging that Seamlessly Leads them Through Each Stage of Your Customer Journey, From Total Strangers to Loyal Customers and Brand Advocates.

Dear business owner,

Are you unhappy with the results your marketing materials are generating?

Are you struggling to create cohesive and compelling messaging that guides your potential customers seamlessly through every stage of your sales process or funnel?

Are you faced with the daunting task of crafting attention-grabbing ads, persuasive landing pages, and engaging email sequences that not only captivate your audience but also drive sign-ups and sales?

As a seasoned copywriter, I understand the challenges that business owners like you encounter in effectively communicating your brand message and driving results at every touchpoint of your sales process.

I specialize in full-funnel copywriting, which means I've got the skills and expertise to guide your customers through every step of their journey, from first glance to final purchase. From total strangers to repeat customers.

Let me paint you a picture…

Imagine having ads that grab attention and make people stop scrolling...

With landing pages that turn stares to trials and sales pages that practically compel visitors to hit that "buy now" button fast...

Imagine also having emails that feel like they're coming from a trusted friend, not a faceless corporation, to help you turn unconverted leads into buyers.

Sounds pretty good, right?

Well, it's not just exciting daydreaming. It's what I do every single day for my clients, my students and myself.

I've tested a lot of copy across several funnels, simple and complex, and have found what works. And now I help businesses just like yours increase their sales, build their brand, and create lasting connections with their customers, based on my experience. 

And I'd love to do the same for you... help you generate sales and grow your business.

But here's the thing...

I'm not just here to sell you on my services. I'm here to be your partner in crime. I want to get to know your business inside and out, understand your goals and challenges, and work together to create messages and copy that truly speak to your audience.

And if you say yes, I have a special package for you, which will turn your sales funnel into a well-oiled sales machine. 

Here’s what you get in this special package:

1. 90-min Strategic Consulting

First things first, we get on a 90-minute intensive strategy call to plan for your success.

A little story...

November 2017, I launched a skincare brand to sell physical products. Did everything to the best of my ability: funnel, copy, content, ads, etc. – and yet it failed woefully at launch.

Struggled with it for months and blew over $500 on ads alone without any good results.

Put the business on hold and went on a mission to find the missing pieces.

What I discovered?

My funnel wasn’t the problem, neither was my products or the pricing.

There was a serious foundational problem that got solved by taking three steps:

Step #1: I got to know my audience more deeply – beyond just demographics and psychographics.

Step #2: I used this new knowledge to create offers at each step of the funnel/sales process. I understood that I had to give the prospect a reason to even click the ad at all – I mean, make it clear what they get in exchange for clicking through. That’s offer. And I did this from the beginning of the funnel till the end. Irresistible offers all the way!

Step #3: Used the same knowledge (plus offers) to create powerful core messages that make the prospect go: hey, this guy gets me! And these become the foundation of every piece of copy and content throughout the funnel (and beyond). A golden thread that ties the entire customer journey together so that there’s no disconnect at any point.

I realized that once these three were fixed, every other thing fell in place and sales poured in like some floodgate was opened.

Since then, before I do anything for a client or myself, I run them through my worksheets that help draw these assets out.

It forces you to think differently about your business, draw out a lot of good stuff and helps you serve your audience better – and of course sell a lot of stuff!

Once we are done with this strategy call, creating every single piece of copy your sales funnel needs to convert like crazy becomes a breeze!

Despite things going crazier and advertising becoming expensive, we were getting even better results in 2022 than we did in 2019, for the same sales funnel. 
Doing your homework excellently (and taking care of the 3 aspects mentioned) gives your campaigns longevity!

What we were able to achieve on a low budget!

2. FIVE Ad copy variations

I’ve tested a whole lot of advertising copy and now have some go-to formats and styles that have proven to work over and over again.

They are proven to lower your cost per click, lower your cost per lead and give you great return on ad spend!

You’ll be having variations of your ad copy created with my top-5 winning styles/formats.

My ad copy was tested against an existing one and it reduced cost per lead (CPL) by over 3x! (See specific campaigns marked below:)

From N186.22 per lead to N59.11 per lead.

Ridiculously low cost per click (CPC) for a lotteries company! (Average CPC for this particular campaign was N61.52)

A brand whose ads suddenly stopped converting after the iOS14.5 update hired me to help them and one of the ad sets started doing 5.5x ROAS for the sale of their hair products to customers in the US.

3. TWO pieces of Presell content (blog/video)

Content selling is my forte, and some of my best funnels lead with content. In the past I tested several content types that bombed…until one worked.

After these years, I now have a list of presell content types that are proven to work at the top of the funnel – that is, to attract your prospects into your funnel and subtly lead them to the next step.

See ad screenshot below:

I’ll create two pieces of top-of-funnel/presell content for you, which you can either publish as text (blog) or video, or even audio (podcast).

All I advertise for my personal brands is content and they not just give me the lowest costs, they give me the highest conversions – sales!

I published an article on a blog as sponsored post and that single post generated 280 leads for a male sexual health brand.

Advertising presell content instead of directly advertising your products or services also helps you to beat some of the restrictions put in place by ad platforms like Facebook.

4. Opt-in/landing page copy

If you generate leads or build a list for your brand, I’ll write concise but powerful copy for your opt-in page or application page, or webinar registration page – or however you generate leads.

Your landing page copy will attract your dream customers/clients and repel those who won't be useful for your business.

Lead generation is the easiest thing ever for me. I’ve generated hundreds of thousands of leads, including almost 40,000 women for my skincare brand.

Generated over 92 leads for a private school during a test run, with less than $80 and without any tangible lead magnet. Some of these parents enrolled their children in the school and their entry class doubled over the previous year.

How I did it? A combo of a strong ad copy and landing page copy!

I've generated leads for a whole lot of niches and products/services -- restaurants, photography, makeup artistry, academic institutions, online courses, events, professional services, digital products, loans, lottery, skincare, organic cleaners, digital services, live trainings, newsletters, coaching, fashion items, etc.

Ran a test for a makeup brand and got 37 leads on Day 1 with just $10.

1,262 leads for less than $82, for a loans company. (Results vary based on country, type of business, etc.)

5. Welcome/Thank You/Order Confirmation email

Your welcome/thank you email SHOULD do a few things that set the foundation for your brand’s successful email marketing in the immediate future.

I’ll make sure it does!

Some great email marketing practices set you up nicely for high email open rates in the future.

6. Sales Copy (sales page/VSL/webinar)

This is the foundation of my copywriting skills. Intense training by AWAI back in 2013 set me up to be able to use words to persuade and get people to take action.

I paid my first annual rent ever in 2015 by sending traffic to just a standalone sales page. No opt-ins, no upsells. No ads!

When sales were harder to get for my skincare business, I learnt to infuse story into my copy and it changed the fortune of the business overnight.

And just last year, I helped a client to sell out a paid high-ticket business conference with just a sales page and email campaigns. (See video below.)

If you’re not getting good conversions (sales) from your traditional or video sales letter, or even webinar, or product page, then that is about to change forever!

7. Upsell page copy

In 2021 while launching new products, I tested a new upsell copy format to see if it would outperform my old style.

The results were shocking!

Even though the core offer performed badly and didn’t get a lot of sales, surprisingly, 70% (SEVENTY PERCENT!!) of those who bought took the upsell. I’d never seen anything like that before.

You’d see from the sheets screenshot below that most of them upgraded from our basic package to our kits.

Of course I stuck to that style since then and the results I've been great… and that’s exactly how I’ll write your upsell pages to boost your upsell sales, and in essence your average cart value (ACV) per customer/client.

8. Upsell 2 or Downsell page copy

Depending on your type of sales funnel, this package also covers copy for a second upsell or downsell.

9. Email campaign/sequence — 3-5 emails for automated follow-up

Immediately the lockdown was eased and we were able to resume our ecommerce business (because we could now ship products), I tested a 5-day email campaign to our old list…without giving any discounts.

I just wanted to sell the less-than-40 products we had left so we could restock immediately.

To my surprise we got a total of over 120 orders.

But the crazier thing is that for the first time ever, there were more first-time buyers than repeat customers. 

I mean people who had spent months or years on our list without buying suddenly started whipping out their cards and ordering – in a period when people were keeping their money because of the uncertainties that came with COVID.

It was a very engaging campaign, with so many replies. Below is a snapshot of some of the replies we got:

Since then, I now use this same email style in the follow-up email sequences aimed at converting leads to buyers. And you can bet it works like fire, converting more leads to buyers than “average”.

I’ll infuse this story-based email campaign into your follow-up series and help you convert your toughest leads into raving buyers.

10. Highly-optimized "Thank You" page copy

The end of one sales funnel should lead the customer to the beginning of another sales funnel, or at least make the buyer take other actions favorable to your brand.

I’ll optimize your final Thank You page (at the tail end of your sales funnel) to help you get more of your customers to do whatever you’d love them to do next.

11. THREE variations of Retargeting Ad copy EACH for Lead Magnet, Core offer and Upsells.

Ideally you want to have retargeting ads for every stage of your sales process, to subtly guide people back into the stage they fell off from.

What should you say in your retargeting ads? What should be the tone? How do you make it very persuasive?

Not to worry; I’ve figured this all out and I’ll use my experience and proven formulas to create your retargeting ads, if you use these.

A retargeting ad I ran for a client (organic cleaners) did over 16x ROAS (return on ad spend) on Black Friday, and we weren't even running a BF no discounts!

BONUS: Strategy Workbook — PRICELESS!

As a bonus, you get a copy of your business workbook that we fill together during the strategy call. It’s yours; a living document you can keep adding to as you learn more about your dream customer/client.

Just don’t hand it over to just anybody. It would contain deeper info about your audience, your irresistible offers and your persuasive core messages -- stuff you don’t want a competitor getting their hands on!

As you can see, apart from getting great results for entire sales funnels through my golden-thread copywriting system, I’ve tested several assets at each stage of the sales funnel, individually.

And of course I've gotten enough results to know just what will work for your business at each step of your sales funnel -- to get you attention, leads, sales, profits and ultimately, growth!

Just to put it in perspective, this is all you get when you work with me to improve your messaging and sales funnel copy:

  1. 90-min Strategic Consulting – $1,997 Value
  2. 5 Ad copy variations — $1,250 Value
  3. 2 pieces of Presell content (blog/video) — $800 Value
  4. Opt-in/landing page copy — $500 Value
  5. Welcome/Thank You/Order Confirmation email — $200 Value
  6. Sales Copy (sales page/VSL/webinar) — $2,500 Value
  7. Upsell page copy — $1,500 Value
  8. Upsell 2 or Downsell page copy -- $1,500 Value
  9. Email campaign — 3-5 emails for automated follow-up — $1,250 Value
  10. Highly-optimized Thank You page copy — $500 Value
  11. 3 variations of Retargeting ad copy each for LM, Core offer and upsells — $750x3 = $2,250 Value
  12. (BONUS) Strategy Workbook — PRICELESS!

TOTAL VALUE: $14,247

And this is me keeping these prices at their low-end. 

Though it's absolutely worth it, I don’t intend on charging you $14k to write your funnel copy.

I normally charge from $2k upwards to write copy for just sales pages (letter or video), depending on length and complexity. And that's still cheap.

But because I need a few full-funnel copy case studies, and I’m in the process of raising funds for my new venture, AlteCure, here’s what I've decided to do:

Depending on your business or offer, you can choose any five of the assets and pieces of copy listed, plus strategy call, for just $1,997. This works for you if you run a simple sales funnel for your products or services.

Or…you can get all these 12 deliverables for just $3,497. This works for you if you have long multi-step funnels and you’ll need copy for more than 5 assets.

I can however only take on three to four clients for this offer, depending on the package they choose. (I don't outsource my copywriting assignments.)

There’s no order button here as we have to first get on a call so I can learn about your business, its needs, challenges, etc. and to be sure I can actually help you – or not.

And if we seem like a good fit, we go ahead to work together. (If you're not sure what package to choose, we can determine that together on the call.)

Click on the button below to book a call and let's talk about your business.

Who am I and why should you work with me?

I'm Oludami Yomi-Alliyu.

I've loved writing all my life and I'm obsessed with the psychology of sales.

Finding both in copywriting was just bliss!

Apart from being trained professionally as a copywriter and digital marketer at the highest level, over the years I’ve been in the trenches creating and testing a lot of copy at different stages of the sales process…

...and have been able to identify and master what works across various niches, business types and offers.

The good thing is: when we work together, you won’t just be working with a copywriter, but also with a pro digital marketer and business growth strategist who’ll give you a lot of valuable insights into growing your business profitably.

More about me?

  • I’m a father of three amazing girls!
  • I’m a direct-response copywriter trained by the American Writers & Artists Inc. in 2013 and reverified in 2021.
  • I’m trained and certified by DigitalMarketer as a digital marketing professional – I had to take intense training and examinations in digital strategy and almost every digital marketing discipline in order to get certified. I’m talking about social media marketing & community management, content marketing, search marketing, paid advertising, customer value optimization (or sales funnels marketing), testing & optimization, data & analytics, etc.
  • I also got more certifications in copywriting, ecommerce marketing, etc.
  • I’m a lawyer called to the Nigerian Bar in 2013.
  • I’ve written content for companies like MSN, Shopify, GoDaddy, SweetProcess, NairaBET, etc.
  • I’m published on global publications like, ThriveGlobal, EcommerceNation, etc.
  • I spend a lot of my money testing new marketing strategies, copy, offers, funnels, etc.
  • Some of my results have gotten me on stages around the world, physically and virtually.
  • My biggest value is freedom and my religion is LOVE!
  • I hope to see at least 80% of the world in my lifetime!
  • I’m a great person to work with…so, get on a call with me and let’s see if we are a good fit!

Once again, here's what you get when you work with me to improve your copy funnel-wide:

  1. 90-min Strategic Consulting – $1,997 Value
  2. 5 Ad copy variations — $1,250 Value
  3. 2 pieces of Presell content (blog/video) — $800 Value
  4. Opt-in/landing page copy — $500 Value
  5. Welcome/Thank You/Order Confirmation email — $200 Value
  6. Sales Copy (sales page/VSL/webinar) — $2,500 Value
  7. Upsell page copy — $1,500 Value
  8. Upsell 2 or Downsell page copy -- $1,500 Value
  9. Email campaign — 3-5 emails for automated follow-up — $1,250 Value
  10. Highly-optimized Thank You page copy — $500 Value
  11. 3 variations of Retargeting ad copy each for LM, Core offer and upsells — $750x3 = $2,250 Value
  12. (BONUS) Strategy Workbook — PRICELESS!

TOTAL VALUE: $14,247

YOU ONLY PAY: $1,997 (for a short funnel requiring just 5 or less items on the list) OR $3,497 (for a longer funnel and everything on this list).

Click the button below to discuss your business needs, goals and challenges, and to determine if I can help improve your sales and profits through persuasive messaging.

Relaunched an old digital product with a simple funnel (Presell -> Lead Magnet -> Sale) with cohesive and persuasive copy leading the prospect through each step and one of the ads was generating revenue more than 3x my investment in ads.

As seen on:

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