Yesterday, I told you what I’m up to: I’m trying to use a Challenge to get people into my business, so that I can upgrade the best Challengers into my coaching program.
Apart from the fact that it’s a good way to give people a quick win at a lower price point before asking them to make bigger commitments, it’s also a great way to filter those you’ll work with one-on-one.
Because at the highest level of your business, you only want to be serving those who are serious, those who really need help, and even those that can afford your services.
As I promised yesterday, today I’ll be talking more about this challenge, giving you some specific details.
About the Challenge!
So I did something crazy.
My coaching program follows my proprietary system/framework: The Septuplar Sales System.
This System consists of 7 pillars, all of which a business must stand on in order to make consistent sales at a profit and be able to grow fast.
Even though I present them as 7 pillars, they are actually one foundational pillar, two pillars of persuasion and four supporting pillars.
The first three are obviously the most important pillars. But your business wouldn’t grow if the four supporting pillars are lacking.
Goal was to give Challengers a quick win, so I had to think deep about that one thing in my framework that can really move the needle for business owners.
The answer was Offer. Because that was the part I really focused on that gave me incredible results when I was trying to fix my business.
I ripped this system apart, and instead of just sticking to offer, I took most of the first three pillars and decided to make them the content of the Challenge.
Yes, I took the best part of my $1,997 coaching and used that to create a 14-day Challenge that I priced at $47 (in fact, $27 for the first set).
So, the goal of the Challenge is to help entrepreneurs craft an irresistible offer that their prospect wouldn’t be able to resist, just so they can make more sales and profits.
So I aptly named it The Perfect Offer Challenge.
But no one can have a “perfect offer” or even a great offer without knowing their audience so deeply and without using great messaging to articulate/present such offer. Hence why I added the other two pillars: Audience and Messaging.
To put this Challenge up, I resorted to using a…wait for it…Challenge Funnel.
This is a funnel structure built around setting up Challenges to help attendees get quick results. And it goes further to help you upsell the next step on your value ladder.
To make things easier, and to ensure my Challenge funnel is well optimized, I chose ClickFunnels as my funnel builder (not like there’s a better option!).
The set-up is pretty easy:
First you have a sales page for the Challenge, where your prospects learn about the Challenge and what’s in it for them, and then it has a button which they can click to pay for the Challenge – or join for free, if it’s a free challenge.
Next page is the order form prospects would fill to make payment. It could have an “order bump” – an extra, related product they can add to their cart before completing payment.
Next is a one-time-offer (OTO) page. This is the upsell page, and the prospect only has that one opportunity to buy your upsell (hence the name). Once they leave that page, they won’t be able to get that same offer at such low price again, ideally.
And finally, there’s the Membership page, where buyers can access their purchase and other necessary things.
It’s pretty simple, but I must confess, it’s one of the most challenging funnels (no pun intended) I’ve built. (I’m far from techy!)
Plan is that at the end of the Challenge, I’ll pitch my offer to attendees (settled for group coaching instead of one-on-one coaching).
Pitching could be via the usual live video through which I’ll deliver Challenge lessons, or through a separate webinar I’ll set up specifically for pitching this next step.
It’s in this group coaching that those who upgrade would get help with the 4 remaining pillars of business growth.
My goal is to overdeliver on the Challenge and make Challengers get so much value that they’ll want to move forward with me. Of course, not all would; but a good percentage should be happy to upgrade.
That’s the plan for my Challenge, and that’s what I built.
Ran a little test to the Challenge, to see the results we can get from promoting it.
Are you interested in the results I got? Then you’d have to come back to read this blog tomorrow!
Till then, remain awesome and sell more!
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Meet the Author
Hello! I’m Oludami Yomi-Alliyu. I'm on a mission to help driven entrepreneurs grow their business and attain freedom through consistent, profitable sales. This is why I created the Septuplar Sales System, out of my experience turning around my business failure and now consistently getting returns of over 5x my ad spend.
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